
This is a mind mapping application. It lets you create neat looking mind maps in the browser.

Did you know that it is still available offline? You can use the app wherever you are, there is no need for an internet connection, everything happens inside your browser on your machine.


There are many mind mapping applications out there. However, the desktop apps are often bloated and not intuitive, and most web apps charge you for premium features.

You spend most of your time inside your browser anyway. Why not create your mind maps here as well? This app tries its best to deliver you a smooth user experience that you know from desktop software products.

use cases

Mindmaps can be used for brainstorming, planning ebooks, websites, articles, making study notes, managing projects, planning a business strategy, mapping out workflows, planning out keyword research, and more.

We love the simplicity of this particular tool, and recommend you to use it and share it with others.


This tool was not developed by Atomic Gains.

While most of Atomic Gains's tools have been originally developed in house from scratch, this is one where we utilised an open source software program and decided to host it for you, our valued community, as we feel it is helpful for a number of different use cases.

This MindMaps tool was originally created by David Richard, under the AGPL licence. If you'd like to contact him, you can do so here